

LONDON, 2024

A speculative exploration of future biological adaptations and ecologies.

A self-initiated project turned collaborative editorial with Studio Magazine,
Bio-Futurism envisions a speculative future where humans use living organisms to adapt in changing ecologies and environments. 

Based on various speculative scenarios, Bio-Futurisms concept explored future physical adaptations including microbiomes, bio-camouflage and phantom limbs. 

We posed questions such as 
What would happen if we gave precedence to our body’s own visible indicators, in a way that enhances our evolved biology?’
'What does the advancement of skin-based defensive mechanisms look like?'

The final images were developed through a combination of traditional photography and 3D elements.

Bio-Futurism was presented and printed by Studio Magazine, featuring Chanel’s Coco Crush fine jewellery collection as a partner.


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