Live action film
A physical exploration of the powerful and untamed beauty of the Icelandic landscape, through a feminine spirit.
Created to celebrate the Levi’s Made & Crafted AW17 collection and commissioned by Riposte Magazine, Alda represents an unstoppable force of nature through a manifestation of impossible textures, scales and changes in matter.

Alda is a material narrative exploring the raw, unpredictable and awe inspiring physical and spiritual elements of Iceland, creating a visual drama which works in 3 short acts.

Alda was launched by Riposte Magazine and distributed via their online channels, as well as Levi’s.
Concept, Dir. & Prod.
Lucy Hardcastle Studio
Gareth Williams
Creative Consultant
Laura Vent
Saskia Dixie
Jonny Thorpe @ Glassworks
George House
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