Printed fabrics, images & sculptures
A collection of explorations and objects responding to a lack of tactility in digital design.

Glow is Lucy’s BA Textile Design graduate collection, that initiated the studio’s on-going investigation into the power struggle that technology and traditional craft have with one another.

Digital and handcrafted processes played a key role in the project's development, with an inspiration starting point of the post-internet of being constantly connected and constantly seeking visual gratification.
With an aim to push the boundaries of the fashion print industry and drawing inspiration from the online digital art scene emerging at the time, Lucy began using rendering softwares to challenge the perfectionism in both worlds.
This was then contrasted with re-creating the digital objects, physically, confronting the differences in materiality between the two.

The motifs that emerged from Glow include illusionary textures and digital tromp l’oeil effects that have become a signature of LHS.

Glow was featured in several online publications including Sight Unseen and Wallpaper, and has been exhibited internationally.

Concept, Dir. & Prod.
Lucy Hardcastle Studio
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