Jelly Experiments

Wembley Park



An exploration of digital fluidity on a large public scale.

Commissioned by Hervisions for Wembley Park’s Art Trail, Jelly Experiments was unveiled as part of Wembley’s International Women’s Day 2023 celebrations.

Jelly Experiments is a series of digital films inspired by  the idea of suspended realities and physical illusions, as one of the key themes within the studio’s practice. 

The outcome intends to challenge the audience’s perception of reality by exploring fluidity, physics and reflections within photo-realistic environments. 

These works are part of ‘Equilibrium’, a new programme of free public artworks by an all-female line up of international artists, exploring their own ideas on balance, unity, harmony, and equality, whilst celebrating the coming together of multiple disciplines, backgrounds and influences.

Jelly Experiments is on display in Wembley Park from March 9th until 25th June 2023, see further information here.


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