A series of speculative habitats for tomorrow's home, driven by regenerative design.
Created for SPACE10, The Regenerative Home is a report that takes a closer look at the potential for cyclical, regenerative systems within living spaces.
We were approached to design and visualise five different internal and external scenarios, covering all walks of life with key themes of collective, intentional, inter-species, nurture and symbiosis.
Each scenario was built entirely digitally, and aims to find a balance between something that could realistically exist tomorrow while also including surreal elements.
Their point of connection is the focus on regeneration through innovation, combining the new with nature’s own systems.

Hidden at the foot of a valley, gently capturing a tidal breeze, Microbiome uses a spiral structure to create a full ecosystem and become one with it’s external landscape.
Influenced by Dante Bini’s Binishell and Evolver by Alice Studio, the circular airflow and innovative mesh windows allow for a natural symbiosis as well as climate control, with mycelium and fungi growing throughout the space.
The external structure is made of a thin concrete shell, allowing the home to move across the landscape, disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

Inspired by Iranian Yakhchal homes and 3D printed Tecla house by Wasp and Mario Cucinella, Oasis made from non-reflective solar absorbing clay.
The interior truly depicts the metaphor of an oasis, with a circular ground-level well at the centre of the space, which includes a drinking pond and palm trees.
This area is contained within a glass-like material as well as a moat surrounding the inside of the house, using filtration systems to keep the entire house cool as climate temperatures continue to rise.

As the city populations continue to expand, we begin to focus on creating communities, collectives and subcultures within the available space.
Collective is Influenced by Liam Young’s ‘Planet City’, we see construction reaching greater heights in a compact modular way, repurposing structures such as shipping containers that are modified to be regenerative.
Features include solar panel roofs, a smart kitchen with a wall of greenery to provide a self-sufficient plant based diet, while absorbing carbon with rotational slots for air-flow.
Inside we see modified tech such as electronics linked to walking treadmills to reduce our footprint.
The concept of ‘tiny homes’ and container communities has expanded one-off rural builds to sprawling metropolis’, one example of this is Urban Rigger in Copenhagen.

Located in a humid, tropical climate, Refuge is camouflaged by moss within the marshes.
Surrounded by Mangrove trees, pockets of water blend with organic windows on the roof of the space.
The subterranean home has been built below sea-level within the natural landscape, maintaining cave-like walls.
Considering water takes up 71% of the earth’s surface, it’s no wonder that as a species we continue to diversify the spaces that we call home.
Traveller combines modern innovation with some of the oldest sustainable materials - including a wooden base, biodegradable translucent mesh to form an inflatable and a wind turbine-like propeller.
These homes, larger than your average houseboat, provide the opportunity for smaller communities to cohabit in a portable, off-the-grid setting.

Direction & Design
Lucy Hardcastle Studio
3D Design
Thomas Rawle / Thiing Studios
Thursdays Child
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