

Animated film


An abstract representation of intuitive data and measured patterns.

Commissioned by MySense as part of their new identity, Sentio communicates and visualises the MySense services and products, encompassing analytics hardware and a digital platform for well-being.

Sentio is a digitally built and animated film.

3D animation enabled us to create an intangible world of growth, light and patterns to ultimately strike a balance between the science and care-giving sensibilities of the brand.

This approach represents the potential of biometric and environmental data in a way that’s digestible for a wide audience.

The film’s narrative elements included themes such as machine learning based on user behaviours, data-driven patterns, and the importance of human interaction in terms of accessibility and attainability. 

We visualised these through organic yet technological growths, laser-esque lights and flowing particles. 

A structural form acts as the protagonist of the film, building a story around a sense of community and digital insights that MySense offers. 

Sentio provided a visual foundation for MySense’s new identity and website, applied across all their online platforms.


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